82944, 784, & THE X AND Y
From BBC SCIENCE NEWS 2005/03/16 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/4355355.stm):
“The X chromosome—one of 24 distinct chromosomes found in human cells—is much larger than the relatively puny Y, containing 1,098 genes to the Y’s 78.
“This means that female mammals contain over 1,000 more genes than males. To compensate for this, the female body switches off one X chromosome—quite randomly—in each cell, thus evening up protein production between the sexes. . ..
“However, researchers have recently discovered that the ‘silent’ X chromosome in females is not entirely silent—some of the genes evade inactivation, meaning the fairer sex does actually express more genes than their male counterparts.
“‘It turns out 15% of genes escape inactivation altogether, each of which now becomes a candidate for explaining differences between men and women’, said Robin Lovell-Badge, of the National Institute for Medical Research, UK.
“‘Moreover, another 10% are sometimes inactivated and sometimes not, giving a mechanism to make women much more genetically variable than men. I always thought they were more interesting!’”
Note that, where .20 = .15 (percentage of second female X genes ‘escaping inactivation altogether’) + .05 (= .10/2, one half percentage of additional second female X genes ‘sometimes escaping inactivation and sometimes not’), 1098 is the number of genes on the X chromosome, 1317.6 the number of activated female X chromosome genes (= 1098 + [1098 × .20]), 1176 the number of male X + Y genes, and 82944 and 784 are the unique numbers other than 1 that are their integral products,1
1098-2 ~ 8.2944 × 10-7,
1317.6 ~ (829.44/784)128 × (829.44/784)−1/2,2
1176/(1317.6 – 1176) ~ 8.2944,
1317.6/1176 ~ (829.44/784)2.
Compare these relations of female and male X and male Y chromosome gene ratios with the following analysis of the logico-mathematical and physical structure of the Planck constant as conveyed by the writer to SB Hoath in an email dated 4 March 2002 (edited):
“It is only in the case of biological mass that the existent of which time is predicated (M/T) IS existence, that there IS the binding power of mass that is isticity or being there, the time predicated of pure existence/resistance that the Planck action constant in effect identifies with surface (J s = ML2/T2 × T = M/T × L2).
“Planck action, J s, = isticity identical with surface = M/T × L2. Taken rationally, i.e., qua base or first factors in scientific notation of its ultimate constituent elements, M/T × L2, J s ~ φφ/φ3.5 × φ2 ~ 829.44/784.
“Planck action not only solves rationally for the identification of the binding power of mass and surface, J s = ML2/T2 × T = M/T × L2, but at once for the identification of velocity and mass identified with length: J s = ML2/T2 × T = M/T × L2 = L/T × ML ~ φφ/φ3.5 × φ2 ~ 829.44/784.”
Where .20 = .15 (percentage of second female X genes ‘escaping inactivation altogether’) + .05 (= .10/2, one half percentage of additional second female X genes ‘sometimes escaping inactivation and sometimes not’), M/T2 × L2 (surface tension identified with surface) ~ ff/f7 × f2 , and M/T × L2 (isticity identified with surface) ~ φφ/φ3.5 × φ2,
φφ/φ7 × φ2 × φφ/φ3.5 × φ2 ~ .20,
and where the hypermassive body (here identified at once with surface tension and the binding power of mass) rationally = L4 = φ4, and 1176 is the number of male X + Y genes,
(φ4/.20)2 ~ 1176.
Finally re L/T × ML, compare Cossentino’s understanding of the Planck constant as the product of the velocity of light and the minimum magnitude of unicity h = cb (Physical Variables, Placedness, & the Absolute Dead Center Cube), where
b/8π2 × c/.82944−1/16 ~ 8.2944 × 10-36 kg m2 s−1.
D.G. Leahy, Foundation: Matter the Body Itself (Albany, 1996),
Section III.6.
In an email dated 23 March 2005, Mr. J. DePompeo called
the writer's attention to the fact that if the unit value of the
circumference of the circle in the index of the foundational manifold of
identity (Leahy, Foundation, p. 433),
equals the number of degrees in a circle then the total length of the circle (360), square (324.1138738), and diagonals (229.1831181) ~ 913, the gematria mathematical value of the first word of Genesis, בראשית = "In the beginning". The writer then noticed that where 1317.6 is the number of activated female X chromosome genes,
1317.6/(829.44/784)−1/2 ~ (829.44/784)128 ~ 913829.44/784, or
and where 144 is the face-diagonal of the absolute dead center cube (ibid., pp. 434ff.), and 114.5915591 the diagonal/diameter of the index of the foundational manifold of identity,
(144/114.5915591)1/4 ~ 829.44/784.
Where the integral product (Transdecimal Calculation of Number Identity: A Note on Integral Product & Related Terms) of בראשית = "In the beginning" is 400,
(829441/2) 829.44/784 ~ 400,
1317.6/(913+400) ~ (829.44/784)1/16.
Where 1317.6 is the number of activated female X chromosome genes, 1098 the
number of male X chromosome genes, and 1.2 = 30/25 the LES ratio for the stratum
corneum, the outermost epidermal stratum marking the body's wholeness at
once the surface shared with the environment (The
Langerhans-Epidermal Cell Ratio & the Structure of the Epidermis, note 13),
= 1/(8 ×
10-7)/10002, the inverse rational product (Transdecimal
Calculation of Number Identity: A Note on Integral Product & Related Terms) of
בראשית = "In the
beginning" divided by the square of the dimensionless 1000 in the H20-resolution
of the gravitation constant, at once the mean proportional between the
consequent of the creation ratio 1/100 and the "created 100" (Theorem
for a Flat Universe: The ρcrit = 3H02/8πG
Building Block
1000.125, note 2),
1317.6/1098 = 1.2.