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Purchase Beyond Sovereignty: A New Global Ethics and Morality
Online from The Davies Group, Publishers thedaviesgrouppublishers.com

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Online from CreateSpace www.createspace.com

Purchase Faith and Philosophy
Online from Ashgate Publishing Ltd

Purchase Foundation and Novitas Mundi
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SUNY Press www.sunypress.edu

Purchase "The Diachrony of the Infinite in Altizer and Levinas: Vanishing without a Trace
 and the Trace without Vanishing," in
Thinking through the Death of God
Online from SUNY Press www.sunypress.edu

Purchase "The Human Stratum Corneum as Extended, Covalently Cross-linked Biopolymer: Mathematics, Molecules, and Medicine"
Online from Science Direct

Purchase "The Organization of Human Epidermis: Functional Epidermal Units and Phi Proportionality"
Online from Blackwell Synergy www.nature.com

Purchase "Formation and Function of the Stratum Corneum" in The Essential Stratum Corneum
Online from Martin Dunitz www.dunitz.co.uk


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