Consciousness (/) Beginning where (/) = identically
p = ‘having happened as of now’ = ‘yet’
q = ‘having not ceased as of now’ = ‘still’
= ‘not having happened as of now’ = ‘not yet’
= ‘having ceased as of now’ = ‘not still’
̃ (/)  = ‘not yet (/) not still’ = ‘beginning’
Logical Structure of the Concepts
p (/) q = ‘having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ Immediacy
(/) q = ‘not having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ Mediation
p (/) q̃ = ‘having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ Omnipotence
(/) ̃ = ‘not having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ Beginning
The Minimum Order1 p (/) ̃ : p (/) q :: ̃ (/) q : ̃ (/) ̃
Omnipotence : Immediacy :: Mediation : Beginning
Proof where (,) = identical with and (/) = identically
Omnipotence(,)Beginning (/) Immediacy(,)Mediation
Real Trinary Logic Product/Power Body Equivalent2
1(,)1 (/) 0(,) = ,0 (/) 0,/1,1 = 0, | 0,/1,1 = 1(,)1 (/) Simplicity



Meta-ontological Negative Analogues (Badiou)3
stateless element of a situation (the singular) ≠ the absolute situation (something = 0 = not nothing), ≠ absolute singularity Immediacy
element of the state & the situation (the normal) ≠ non-absolute situation (something else = = not not nothing), ≠ the normalcy of the new,
absolute placedness
situationless stateless void (the nothing) ≠ the absolutely situationless (the infinite = 1 = the non-set of non-sets), ≠ the nonbeing of the void,
≠ absolute simplicity
situationless element of the state (the excrescent) ≠ non-absolutely situationless (the finite = 1 = not not not nothing), ≠ absolute excrescence, ≠ absolute particularity Beginning



Heideggerian Eigentum4
~ (̃ (/) ) = not ‘not yet (/) not still’ = ‘not beginning’
Logical Structure of Negation of the Concepts
~ (p (/) q) = not ‘having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’
    = either ‘not having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ = Mediation
       or ‘having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ = Omnipotence
~ (̃ (/) q) = not ‘not having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’
    = either ‘having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ = Immediacy
       or ‘not having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ = Beginning
~ (p (/) ̃) = not ‘having happened as of now having ceased as of now’
    = either ‘not having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ = Beginning
       or ‘having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ = Immediacy
~ ( (/) ̃) = not ‘not having happened as of now having ceased as of now’
    = either ‘having happened as of now having ceased as of now’ = Omnipotence
       or ‘not having happened as of now having not ceased as of now’ = Mediation
~ (p (/) q) ~ (̃ (/) ̃) = not Immediacy not Beginning = Mediation/Omnipotence
                                     = ̃ (/) q / p (/) ̃
~ (̃ (/) q) ~ (p (/) ̃) = not Mediation not Omnipotence = Immediacy/Beginning
                                     = p (/) q / ̃ (/) ̃
The Positive Negation Order ̃ (/) q : p (/) ̃ :: p (/) q : ̃ (/) ̃
Mediation : Omnipotence :: Immediacy : Beginning
The Proof where (,) = identical with and (/) = identically
Mediation(,)Beginning (/) Omnipotence(,)Immediacy
Real Trinary Logic Product/Power Body Equivalent5
(,)1 (/) 1(,)0 = 0, ~ (/) 0,/1,1 ~ | 0,/1,1 ~ 1(,)1 (/) Belonging



1 D.G. Leahy, Foundation: Matter the Body Itself (Albany, 1996), Section III.1, et passim.
2 See, on this web,
The Real Beyond the Void: the Beginning/the Power Body.
3 Cf. A. Badiou, Being and Event, trans. O. Feltham (Continuum, 2005), pp. 95−111; also, above, n. 2, and, below, n. 4.
4 See, on this web, Beyond the Good: Not Hither the Good (& Not Hither Beyond the Good).
5 Cf., above, n. 2.


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