Foundational Natural Numbers
The factors of the 9 primary natural numbers foundational complex,
are 1, 784, and 82944, the natural numbers that, uniquely among all natural numbers, are their integral products (cf. D.G. Leahy, Foundation: Matter the Body Itself [Albany, 1996], Section III.6; also, on this web, Transdecimal Calculation of Number Identity: A Note on Integral Product & Related Terms). 82944 is the natural number whose 9th part is, uniquely among all natural numbers other than 1, the integral product of its 3rd part (Leahy, Foundation, p. 524, n. 98).
Body Thinking v Set Theory
Aleph-Null : Beth-Zero (Zero ≠ Null) :: infinite set
of the natural and rational numbers : infinite body
of the natural and rational numbers.
The important thing is that the analogy immediately breaks down. Unlike
the elements of sets and subsets, the inhabitants of a thinking now occurring
"place" do not "belong" to it nor does it "contain" or "include" them. The
"place" is a body conveniently constituted by its members. The "place"
or "non-set" that is a body freely embodies its elements. Likewise the power
(see, on this web,
The Real Beyond the Void: the
Beginning/the Power Body).
The Cardinals
contains the infinite series of natural numbers
(together with the rational numbers) in which 0 (=
nothing) is the placeholder for a potential one of the 9 primary
natural numbers.
be the place of the infinite series of natural numbers
in which 0 (= not nothing) is the place actually occupied by one
or more of a finite number of 9's, to wit, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1+9, 2+9,
3+9, ... 2+9+9, ... 4+9+9+9+9, ... 6+9+9+9+9+9+9, ... 8+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,
... 1+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, ... 2+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9
.... Where 1+9 = 10 the 0 = +9, where 2+9+9 = 20 the 0 = +9+9, where 40 =
4+9+9+9+9 the 0 = +9+9+9+9, etc., etc. 0 is not only "not nothing",
as it is purely in real trinary logic (RTL) (Leahy,
Foundation, Section III.1, et passim), here
it is always the place for a finite number of 9's. The place for an
infinite number of 9's is "not not nothing", not 0, i.e.,
. (cf.
The Real Beyond the Void: the
Beginning/the Power Body, for 0 : Finite ::
: Infinite.)
the infinite series of natural numbers so construed, in
there are an infinite number of each of the
9 primary natural numbers. Therefore in
there are an infinite number of 1's and an infinite number of not
nothing 0's, i.e., an infinite number of places for a finite number of
9's. But there is no place for an infinite number of 0's, nor for an
infinite number of 1's. Most particularly there is no place for an
infinite number of 9's, i.e., no
In the nothing based decimal system assumed in
0 the
number 10 cannot be construed as 1+0. In the decimal system not nothing
based assumed in
10 is construed as 1+0 = 1+9. This fact—combined
with the notion that the elements of the latter’s power body
to those of the power set
members not belonging to a set are to those belonging to a set (ibid.)—ensures
that the power body
have a discrete place for each of the infinite numbers of the 9 primary natural
numbers including the 0’s found in
the power body of
0, has a
place for each infinite number of each of the 9 primary natural numbers,
it has the place for
an infinite number of 9's, i.e.,
, as well as the
place for an infinite number of not nothing 0's (the place for an infinite
number of places for a finite number of 9's), and the place for an infinite
number of 1's. As
0 <
= c (the continuum),
cd (the discontinuity of the continuum = an infinite number of
The Ordinals
In set theory ordinals begin with 0 = Ø (the null set), and 1 = {Ø} = {0}, thus: Ø, {Ø}, {Ø,{Ø}}, {Ø,{Ø},{Ø,{Ø}}} ..., effectively, 0, {0}, {0,1}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2,3}, ..., {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}, ..., or, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 12, .... Here an ordinal = the number of its predecessors. The first finite ordinal is 0 = Ø. It has no predecessors. The first infinite ordinal, ω0, is likewise without predecessors, including the infinite number of finite ordinals which belong to it. In Badiou's words, between the former and the latter "there is an abyss without mediation" (cf. A. Badiou, Being and Event, trans. O. Feltham [London and New York, 2005], p. 159). Here, at the point where 'a place fuses with beyond' (ibid., p. 157), order is imperfectly rational, number relatively natural, not completely logical.
In the body
thinking now occurring for the
first time there is no 0 = Ø.
Ordinals begin
with the RTL foundational unity 0
= 1,
and 1 = 0
= 1, thus: 0
, 0
..., or, 1, 1, 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1, effectively, 0
, 0
1, 0
12, 0
123, ..., 0
12 123456789,
..., or, 1, 1, 1 1, 1 12, 1 123,
1 1234, 1 12345, 1
123456, 1 1234567, 1 12345678, 1 123456789, 1
1 123456789, 1 12
123456789, ..., 1 12345678 123456789, 1 123456789 123456789,
1 1 123456789 123456789, 1
12 123456789 123456789, ...,
or, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... (cf. Leahy, Foundation, pp. 299ff.,
for a similar, but importantly different, repetition, 1, 1, at the beginning of
the Fibonacci sequence).
Thus in the thinking now occurring the first transfinite ordinal consists of an infinitely cumulative beginning and ending of 1-otherwise-than-prefix-of an infinitely cumulative beginning and ending of the 9 primary natural numbers. (Cf., on this web, The Deep Epidermal Surface: The Cornerstone Construction Order, Minimum Order Tetrahedron Hypercube, & Absolute Dead Center Hypercube, for the definition of the uniquely hypercubic absolute dead center cube, [x/6]4/x3 = 8x3/x4 [= (√2×9)−1].)
Universally nature is beginning to exist. Here
an ordinal = 1 + its immediate predecessor. The first natural ordinal is
1. Its immediate predecessor is RTL 1, whose immediate predecessor in turn
is 1,
whose immediate predecessor is 0
= 1, whose immediate predecessor in turn is 1,
etc., etc., ad infinitum (cf. Leahy, Foundation, pp. 266ff., "the
infinite lattice of logical digits," especially as matrix of the 100-square of
the unum-founded Fibonacci sequence, ibid., pp. 301ff.; cf. also, on this web,
Real Trinary Logic Geometric
Series Matrix of the Numeric Geometric Series & the Series of Perfect Numbers).
Here the first finite ordinal is the sum of the infinite
series that is the infinite repetition of the three RTL digits, 01
= 1, + 0
, i.e., 0
= 1+1 = 1, and the first ordinal corresponding to the natural number 1 is the
sum of this 1 and the infinite sum of its predecessors 1, that is,
again, 1+1
= 1. Then, consequently, 1+1 = 1+1 = 2, 1+2 = 1+1+1 = 3, 1+3
= 1+1+1+1 = 4, etc., etc.
Here there is neither Ø nor ω0,
no ordinal, finite or infinite, without predecessor (cf. Leahy, Foundation,
pp. 255f., 303f., and 311, for
= "since," as the
fundamental RTL operator).
beyond beyond finite, counting ex abysso (cf. Leahy, Foundation,
pp. 478ff., et passim), order is absolutely rational, number perfectly natural,
ontology identical with logic. (Cf., on this web,
Note to Faith and
Philosophy Further to the Ontology of Real Trinary Logic
and Beyond the Good:
Not Hither the Good [& Not Hither Beyond the Good].)
Real Trinary Logic: Mathematical Analogue
Arrange the elements in the
place for an infinite number of 9's, into the
number 999999..., likewise arrange the elements in the
place for an infinite number of places for a
finite number of 9's, into the number 999999..., adding 1 to differentiate it
from the first 999999..., just so, 1+999999....
Where .999999... = 1 (,
and xxxxxx.../(1+xxxxxx...) = .999999... = 1, let RTL
not nothing), the
place for an infinite number of 9's, =
999999..., let RTL 0 (not nothing), the
place for an infinite number of places for a
finite number of 9's, = 1+999999..., and let RTL 1, the
place for an infinite number of 1's, =
999999.../(1+999999...) = .999999... =
= 1.