4 July 2012 Higgs Set to Music   



23 July 2011


“The new results are based on analyses of data, gathered as the vast machine smashes beams of protons together at close to light speeds.  Scientists from two different experiments (Atlas and CMS) based at the LHC are scouring the wreckage of these collisions.  One of their primary goals is to search for hints of the Higgs, which is the last missing piece in the Standard Model — the most widely accepted theory of particle physics.  Without the Higgs, physicists cannot explain why particles have mass. But despite the best efforts of scientists working on both sides of the Atlantic to detect it experimentally, the boson remains a theoretical sub-atomic particle.  The Standard Model is a framework that explains how the known sub-atomic particles interact with each other. If the Higgs boson is not found, physicists would have to find some other mechanism to explain where particles get their mass from. It would also require researchers to change the Standard Model.  Rolf-Dieter Heuer, director-general of Cern, said the amount of data gathered was a factor of 20 greater than had been amassed at the same time last year. . . . Physicists think the Higgs will most probably be found in the low-mass region — between 114 GeV (gigaelectronvolts) and 140 GeV. While the gigaelectronvolt is a unit of energy, in particle physics, mass and energy can be interchanged because of Einstein's equivalence idea (E = mc2).”


Predictions for the Mass of the Higgs Boson 24 July 2011


Predictions, Low (2), Mean, and High, for the mass of the Higgs boson, based on the dimensions of the absolute dead center cube (see, on this web, Theorem & Proof: The Uniqueness of the Absolute Dead Center Cube), where 1221.880518 is its perimeter, 452.3893421 = 144π = the perimeter of the circle circumscribing the cube face, 82944.25 : 1 its volume : surface ratio, and 62208 its total surface area:1


112.9 018 631(24) GeV = 2.012 658 434e-25 kg = 1221.880518-8 kg


114.8 036 671(25) GeV = 2.046 561 169e-25 kg = 452.3893421e−152 kg


125.6 639 872(27) GeV = 2.240 163 951e-25 kg = (82944.25/100)32 kg


139.9 117 377(30) GeV = 2.494 153 163e-25 kg = 6.2208e-50.5 kg


As the Higgs boson is the “pivot of symmetry and mass” (cf. G. 't Hooft, Oppenheimer Lecture, Berkeley, April 9, 2012, “The Higgs Particle: Pivot Of Symmetry And Mass”), so the absolute dead center cube is the pivot of cubic dimensionality (see, on this web, Theorem & Proof: The Uniqueness of the Absolute Dead Center Cube).  This shared pivotal nature of the Higgs particle and the absolute dead center cube is perfectly fundamental and accounts for the predictable and predictive mathematical relationship.2 


New Scientist 13 December 2011

LHC sees hint of lightweight Higgs boson


“The ultra-shy Higgs boson may have finally shown itself at the LHC. Both of the main detectors, ATLAS and CMS, have uncovered hints of a lightweight Higgs. If it pans out, the only remaining hole in the standard model would be filled.


“Even more exciting, a Higgs of this mass, about 125 GeV, would also blast a path to uncharted terrain. Such a lightweight would need at least one new type of particle to stabilise it. ‘It's very exciting,’ says CMS spokesman Guido Tonelli. ‘This could be the first ring in a chain of discoveries . . . .’


“The ATLAS data restricts the Higgs to within 115 and 131 GeV; CMS rules out a Higgs heavier than 127 GeV.


“Most excitingly, ATLAS saw a tantalising hint of the Higgs at 126 GeV; CMS saw one at 124 GeV. It is the first time both experiments have seen a signal at nearly the same mass. ‘We're very competitive, but once I see they're coming with results, I'm happy,’ Tonelli says. ‘Their results are important for us. They're obtained in a completely independent manner. . . .’


“Earlier experiments found that the W and Z bosons weigh 80.4 and 91.2 GeV, respectively. Because of the way those particles interact, the Higgs mass probably comes out somewhere between about 115 and 130 GeV. A Higgs at 125 GeV or so ‘is just what the doctor ordered,’ says Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”


CERN Press Release 4 July 2012

CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson


“Geneva, 4 July 2012. At a seminar held at CERN today as a curtain raiser to the year’s major particle physics conference, ICHEP2012 in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented their latest preliminary results in the search for the long sought Higgs particle. Both experiments observe a new particle in the mass region around 125−126 GeV.


‘We observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. The outstanding performance of the LHC and ATLAS and the huge efforts of many people have brought us to this exciting stage,’ said ATLAS experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, ‘but a little more time is needed to prepare these results for publication’.


‘The results are preliminary but the 5 sigma signal at around 125 GeV we’re seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle. We know it must be a boson and it’s the heaviest boson ever found,’ said CMS experiment spokesperson Joe Incandela. ‘The implications are very significant and it is precisely for this reason that we must be extremely diligent in all of our studies and cross-checks’.


The Independent 4 July 2012

Triumph at Cern as Large Hadron Collider

Scientists announce discovery of Higgs boson 'God particle'


“Scientists have made the crucial breakthroughs that have allowed them to announce the discovery of a new subatomic particle that could be the final piece in the jigsaw explaining why all matter throughout the Universe - from the smallest atom to the largest star - has mass.


“The discovery of the new sub-atomic particle is consistent with the so-called Higgs boson that was postulated half a century ago by the retired British physicist Peter Higgs, 83, who was in the audience at a packed conference in Geneva this morning where the announcement was made.


“Researchers from the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern) said that two of its experiments attached to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine had independently confirmed the existence of the new sub-atomic particle with a mass of about 125.5 GeV, which is about 133 times heavier than the proton at the heart of every atom.


“Although the data just falls just short of absolute confirmation that the new particle is indeed the Higgs, the scientists were in little doubt that what they had found was a sub-atomic entity that fits its description, as predicted by the Standard Model theory of physics which brings together the disparate forces of nature.


“‘As a layman, I would say that I think we have it. Do you agree?’ said Rolf Dieter Heuer, the director general of Cern, at the end of the two presentations by scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider.


“The rapturous applause that met his hypothetical question said it all.”


New York Times 4 July 2012

A New Particle Could Be Physics’ Holy Grail 


“The new particle has a mass of about 125.3 GeV, in the units of mass and energy —Einstein showed they are the same — that are favored by physicists, about as much as a whole Barium atom, according to the CMS group, and 126 GeV according to Atlas.”


The average of the CMS and ATLAS findings 125.65 GeV (see, above, Mean prediction, 24 July 2011). 


New Scientist 1 August 2012

Higgs certainty boosted by more complete analysis


“. . . ATLAS has now taken another step towards completing their analysis. On 31 July, they posted a paper to the physics pre-print server arXiv that included the rates for the W boson channel. This raised the statistical significance of their Higgs signal to nearly 6 sigma, which means the chance of the signal they observe being due to background processes has now sunk to 2 in a billion. . . .


“CMS posted a paper to the arXiv the same day as ATLAS, but its analysis was the same as the one presented on 4 July.”


Observations 2-3 August 2012


Where 12√10368 is the total perimeter of the absolute dead center cube and 82944 the fourth power of its volume to surface ratio (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011)


125.6550755(27) GeV = 1.013476577e17 m−1 =  8.2944e13 × 12√10368 m−1.


The mathematics of the absolute dead center cube/hypercube is perfectly fundamental.  Note that this mathematics not only successfully predicted with great precision where in the probable range the Higgs would be found, but is the underlying mathematical structure that unifies, correlates, and accounts for the first factors of the current energy/mass to length conversion factors otherwise as such uncorrelated, not unified, and unaccounted for: 

1)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 kg to m−1 conversion factor, x = 4.524 438 73(20) × 1041 which approximates 4.523893421 × 1041, where 452.3893421 = 144π = the perimeter of the circle circumscribing the face of the absolute dead center cube (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011, and, on this web, Power Body Cornerstone Construction Order: Absolute Dead Center Hypercube: The Three Unique Transdecimal Number Identities).


2)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 eV to m−1 conversion factor, x = 8.065 544 29(18) × 105 which approximates 8.064 × 105 the square root of 82944 × 784 × 1 × 104, where 82944, 784, and 1 are the three natural numbers uniquely their integral products at once the three unique hypercube volumes related to the volume of the absolute dead center hypercube (see, on this web, Measure Beyond Beyond Reach) to which all three-dimensional cubicity is constitutionally directed (see, on this web, Theorem & Proof: The Uniqueness of the Absolute Dead Center Cube).


3)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 J to m−1 conversion factor, x = 5.034 117 01(22) × 1024 which approximates 5.033578689 × 1024 where 5033.578689 = (82944.25).5 × 12√10368 the square root of the absolute dead center volume to surface ratio multiplied by that cube's total perimeter (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011).


4)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 u to m−1 conversion factor, x = 7.513 006 6042(53) × 1014 which approximates 7.510361916 × 1014 where 751036191.6 = 7842 × 12√10368 the square of that one of the unique natural numbers identically their integral products at once the consequent in the unique ratio of the absolute dead center hypercube volume to its integral product (see, on this web, Measure Beyond Beyond Reach) multiplied by the absolute dead center cube's total perimeter (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011).


5)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 K to m−1 conversion factor, x = 6.950 3476(63) × 101 which approximates 6.95682897 × 101 where 69.5682897 = 144π/82944/784/1 × 107 where 144π/82944/784/1 is the perimeter of the circle circumscribing the face of the absolute dead center cube (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011, and, on this web, Power Body Cornerstone Construction Order: Absolute Dead Center Hypercube: The Three Unique Transdecimal Number Identities) divided by the product of the three natural numbers uniquely their integral products at once the three unique hypercube volumes related to the volume of the absolute dead center hypercube (see, on this web, Measure Beyond Beyond Reach) to which all three-dimensional cubicity is constitutionally directed (see, on this web, Theorem & Proof: The Uniqueness of the Absolute Dead Center Cube).


6)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 Eh to m−1 conversion factor, x = 2.194 746 313 708(11) × 107 (= 2 × the R number = 2[10 973 731.568 539(55)]) which approximates 2.194241154 × 107 where 21942411.54 = 2(62208 × 176.3632615 = 10971205.77) twice the product of the total surface area of the absolute dead center cube (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011) multiplied by that cube’s body diagonal (cf. D.G. Leahy, Foundation: Matter the Body Itself [Albany, 1996], Section III.5, pp. 434ff.).


7)  Where x is the CODATA 2010 Hz to m−1 conversion factor, x = 3.335 640 951... × 10-9 which approximates 3.335663691 × 10-9 where 3.335663691 × 10-9 = (829.44/784).25 × 62208−1 × (82944.25)-3 the fourth root of the hundredth part of the unique ratio of the absolute dead center hypercube volume to its integral product (see, on this web, Measure Beyond Beyond Reach) multiplied by the inverse total surface area of the absolute dead center cube and the inverse third power of that cube’s volume to surface ratio (see, above, Predictions 24 July 2011).

These energy/mass to length conversion factors are derived from equations involving h (Planck constant) and/or c (velocity of light) two of the most fundamental physical constants involving the quantitative physical contents of mass and/or length and time.






1 The writer notes that the existence of such absolute dead center cube functions is confined to the probable range.


  Where the perimeter of the circle circumscribing the absolute dead center cube face = 144π = 452.3893421,


[(2.012 658 434e-25 kg + 2.046 561 169e-25 kg)/2 + 2.494 153 163e-25 kg]/2


= 2.261 881 482e-25 kg = 126.8822514 GeV  


≈ 4.523893421e-25/2 kg


2.263 980 543e-25 kg = 127 GeV


= 4.527961086e-25/2 kg


The following table illustrates total departure ΔH + ΔL from high and low values of a GeV range when the sum of those values H + L divided by 2π2 is added and subtracted from the mean x̅.  The adjusted range falls either within (I) or without (O) the given range.  Only the above two GeV values satisfy ΔH + ΔL < 1 and x̅ ± (H+L)/2π2 = I = 114 — 140 GeV.



High — Low

(H+L) / 2π2

x̅ – (H+L) / 2π2 — x̅ + (H+L) / 2π2








112 — 139


112.7841915 — 138.2158086



112 — 140


113.2335309 — 138.7664691



112 — 141


113.6828703 — 139.3171297



112 — 142


114.1322097 — 139.8677903








113 — 139


113.2335309 — 138.7664691



Δ113 — Δ140


113.5991138 — 139.2144870



113 — 140


113.6828703 — 139.3171297



113 — 141


114.1322097 — 139.8677903



113 — 142


114.5815491 — 140.4184509








114 — 139


113.6828703 — 139.3171297



Δ114 Δ140


114.0263915 — 139.7381113



114 — 140


114.1322097 — 139.8677903



114 — 141


114.5815491 — 140.4184509



114 — 142


115.0308885 — 140.9691115








115 — 139


114.1322097 — 139.8677903



Δ115 Δ140


114.4536692 140.2617356



115 — 140


114.5815491 — 140.4184509



115 — 141


115.0308885 — 140.9691115



115 — 142


115.4802279 — 141.5197721








116 — 139


114.5815491 — 140.4184509



116 — 140


115.0308885 — 140.9691115



116 — 141


115.4802279 — 141.5197721



116 — 142


115.9295673 — 142.0704327



H + ΔL = 0.347252) 8.2944-.5 (H+L)/2π2 = 12.85585989 [.82944(1+[2π2]-4).5]-8/8.2944-.5 accurate to 0.254 ppm.  12.85585989/.347252 × (1+452.3893421e-8)256 = (π/2)8 accurate to 0.074 ppm.  Outside the absolute dead center cube constraint H + L = 254 GeV ≈ 4.523893421e-25 kg and its associated parameters (following immediately in the text) candidates otherwise exist at H + L = 256 GeV and 257 GeV.  A. Thom’s megalithic yard = .8296656 m.  (12.85585989.347252)-8 × (1+.347252e-4).25 = .8296656e-3 accurate to 0.044 ppb.  Further for 144π = 452.3893421 and the megalithic yard, cf. Leahy, Foundation, pp. 524f., nn. 98 and 99.  Further for 2π2, see, on this web, The Magnitude of Being.

2 See also, on this web, W Boson Mass & the Mathematics of the Absolute Dead Center Cube and 82944 & the Four Fundamental Forces & the God Particle.









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